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Literary Love

A solution to encouraging reflection among older adults by creating a reading community.


At a Glance

Literary Love is an app for encouraging reflection among older adults by creating a reading community. This product help users read and re-read books and create an online reading community. Encouraging reflections and communication. 

Project Team

Mingyue Weng

Lyle Hamm

Chris Lyu

Kayli Thanh Ly

What I did

Project Proposal
Polished Personas
Competitive Analysis
User Testing


March 2021 - Jun 2021

Literary Love

Make your communication more intuitive

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Choose a Book

The Homepage contains lists of recommended books and giving users options to add their own books. This page is designed to give users major topics of reflection.

Create a Community

The Group page allows users to create or join existing discussion groups.

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Interact with a Community

The Conversation page contains a suggested prompt for starting conversations. Users can also add or delete their own prompts. The purpose of prompt suggestions is to help users start conversations easily.

Feel free to play with the app!

Initial Goals

- Promote awareness on how reflective practices can affect mental health

- Help targeted users to create and maintain a daily routine

- Be personalized for user’s needs

- Help targeted user to reflect on social fulfillment 

- help people set up a daily routine

- raise awareness of daily care routines

- Prevent deterioration of mental health

- Daily self care routines 

Research Questions

 1. How do older adults reflect on their social life?

2. What are older adults’ goals for social connections?

3. How satisfied are older adults with their social life?

4. How interested are older adults in reflecting on their social life?

5. How do elders currently reach out to people?

6. What motivates older adults to create new social connections?



Interview + Survey


As the age of the participant increased, they tended to give more negative responses.

“I don’t have a social life...”, “I feel lonely...”, “I don’t do much...” 

Illness and Reflection

Participants who are ill tend to have fewer social interactions than those who are relatively healthy. 

“Unfortunately, I have to reflect about my health. And I wish, I wish my body was not in pain. That's probably what I think about most… ”

Learning and reflection

Participants expressed that the reason certain social activities they engaged in made them happy was due to the fact that they could learn new things from it.

 “I’m happy with just what I can do. It reminds you that you are still alive.”


Ninety percent of survey respondents stated that they made social connections less than once per day on average. Some felt negatively about their inability to facilitate interaction.

“I am currently living with my family in another city, And almost all my friends are in my hometown. I don't get to hang out with them very often.”

Lo-Fi Sketches

Hi-Fi Frames

Limitation & Reflection

Although we found pros and cons about our original high-fidelity prototype and made some design adjustments, we could not fully refine the high-fidelity prototype due to the limitation of our usability testing sample size. Due to time constraints, we were only able to have one participant for usability testing. If we had sufficient time, we would have liked to invite more participants from a variety of backgrounds to participate in our usability testing. 

Get in Touch

Interested in learning more about me, my work or how we can collaborate on an upcoming project? Feel free to reach out anytime, I would be more than happy to chat.

4751 12th ave NE, Apt H-209, Seattle, WA 98105


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