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Halloween Make-Up Competition

Chineses Union at UW


About Chinese Union

Chinese Union a Non-profit organization that started in 2005 by Chinese international students in the United States,  and was officially admitted by the US federal government in 2015. The headquarter of CU is located in San Diego, California, and now CU is devoted to expanding all over the universities in the country. The goal and purpose of the organization are to help and service Chinese international students studying in the US, aim to facilitate the development of student organizations, promote public welfare and philanthropy, and expand its positive influences inside and outside the universities in the US.


Event Goal

  • Give the students at the University of Washington a Halloween experience during the quarantine period.

  • Create an event that brings up the Halloween spirit of each international student.

  • Ceate a platform for Chinese international students at UW to feel the Halloween spirit and give the incoming freshmen a feeling of belonging to UW.


Event Flow

  • All students from UW could contribute the pictures of their Halloween make-up, and will be sent to the event assistant that CUUW assigned. 

  • We wrote the promotion article that will be published on WeChat so that students can contribute. 

  • Once we stop collecting contributions, we created another promotion article with a voting link attached to the article. 

  • We made another article as the price for the first three contributors that got the most vote on the competition.

Tool Used — Xiumi

Xiumi is a design website that is particularly for designing promotion Tweets and article pages for Wechat public account. I used this website to build the template of the promotion article and put the main content into the template, by adding the Halloween element, I created a Halloween Themed promotion article template. Then I used Canva to create the promotional poster that has elements that coherent with the promotion article.


Video of CUUW Halloween Make-Up Competition Promotion Article

Get in Touch

Interested in learning more about me, my work or how we can collaborate on an upcoming project? Feel free to reach out anytime, I would be more than happy to chat.

4751 12th ave NE, Apt H-209, Seattle, WA 98105


Thanks for submitting!

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